Monday, January 21, 2008

welcome to the circus!

I’ve come to realize that life in Liberia is much like living in a circus. We’ve got clown cars aka cabs (I rode in a mini-bus cab with 24 other people one time), wild animals (out in the interior), and an assortment of carnival food. Between the fried plantains (we can consider that a local interpretation of an elephant ear), the bags of fresh popcorn, the peanut toffee and meat on a stick – it’s just like being at the Huron County Fair! There are people accomplishing astonishing feats like balancing chairs on their heads, fitting three people on a bicycle while pedalling in flip-flops, and juggling babies and baked goods while walking down the road. There are also magicians – men performing card tricks along the road providing gambling opportunities to passerbyers. Not to mention the monkeys! It’s always a surprise when monkeys appear, riding on trucks or sitting in front of houses and shops. Life is certainly never dull at the circus!

1 comment:

bessiejulia said...

Now I have to just point out that you didn't mention your role in this circus...

Are you the ring leader, the crazy lady in circus outfits that does stunts few would try, or perhaps the lady in the stands watching. Nah, you're somehow part of this circus performance, or at least I'm sure anyone you ask there might think so...

Love you.