Wednesday, January 30, 2008

hindsight bias

I would have eaten a couple bananas yesterday instead of an entire can of garbanzo beans if I’d know that the plumber would come today and move my toilet to the backyard for a couple hours! Also, if I was clairvoyant I would have been able to anticipate that when prior to removing the commode he said ‘I want to take this outside’ that was the equivalent of saying ‘I will be walking swiftly through your entire house carrying your toilet while leaving a splattered trail of poop-water behind me’. Don’t worry, he ‘cleaned it up’ before he left! Not so much, more like smeared it around. I had to wait on the front porch because I couldn’t bear to watch anymore.

Once everything was back in its rightful place and I’d paid the man an outrageous sum of $20US (remember, I eat on less than $40 per week) which mind you I talked him down to because he started by demanding $35, that’s when the real joy began: me armed with a dirty towel and a bucket of dirty bleach water. I feel better cause the floor doesn’t look gross anymore and I used a bunch of bleach but still, I don’t think I’ll be picking up and eating things I drop on the floor anymore!

So my commode is no longer spoiled and the magical plumber man (who showed up wearing a hard hat which I interpreted as a sign of the severity of my toilet situation) says I can even put tissue down it! This, I’m leery about. I think I might just give a week or so before I get too crazy and start dropping tissue in. I have trust issues. But I am trying to be optimistic about it because this was a big decision to splurge on toilet repairs and I’ve been putting it off for over a month so now that I’ve invested the money I’m hopeful that I will reap some fabulous benefits! Such as not spending a cumulative 15 hours (my best estimate) a week watching and waiting for my toilet bowl to empty so that I can dump another bucket of water in! So here’s to tomorrow: may I not waste my time staring at poop!

1 comment:

Lily said...


I would've had a fit and a half if someone did that in my house.

Well, at least you have tile and not carpet.