Wednesday, November 7, 2007

becoming Scottish

It's about that time friends...I gotta get outta here! I'm becoming Scottish!

Glasgow has been very good to me and I've met some wonderful people but I have to get to Africa! I'm super excited about my anticipated departure tomorrow and can hardly wait to feel the West African heat! This past weekend I had the opportunity to travel around Scotland a wee bit. Went north to visit Loch Lomond on Saturday - beautiful nature area and the lake provides crisp, clean drinking water to some surrounding areas. On Sunday we headed east to the far side of Scotland where it meets the North Sea. That evening we went to dinner a the home of AYDAP's volunteer accountant for a 'send off' of sorts for me as I'm preparing to leave this week.

And amusingly enough, I found out yesterday that my flight into Liberia doesn't operate any more, apparently the airline has cancelled their service from Casablanca, Morrocco to Monrovia (but not because of safety concerns Mom, it's just a fluke) So I'm waiting a wee bit anxiously today to hear more from my travel agent in the States about what the next step is for getting me from here to there! All things will come together, just a hilarious hiccup in my plans that I thought my faithful readers might enjoy! haha Good news is I noticed it yesterday when I was double-checking my booking so I know in advance and not when I'm stuck in Casablanca...though that might have made for a better story! So today I'm repacking my suitcase and gearing up for travelling south in the way or another I will make it to Africa in the next couple days - I've come this far, there's no turning back!

1 comment:

bessiejulia said...

i love that photo with "your" scraggly red hair almost more than life itself. it rocks my world. i cackled so loud when i saw it, kyle thought i was deranged. little does he know...