Sunday, November 18, 2007

Patience and steadfastness

Happy Friday! Today is my 1 week anniversary in Africa!!! And now that I’m becoming seasoned in Liberian life (haha) I feel wiser...well maybe not quite yet, but I do feel a little less ‘green’. As James keep saying: ‘you expected it all’! Apparently Jerry noted to him several times prior to my arrival that I was well-read in things Liberia and wouldn’t be alarmed how my new life would be. This is mostly true – I mean in so many ways it is what i expected. And in the other ways of life in Liberia, the less expected ones, I find myself realizing just how important patience and steadfastness can be! It’s a lot of psychological work for me personally. Getting used to all of the waiting when I’m coming from a fast-paced life in Chicago. And also the slowness that is felt during transitions – when you are suddenly an infant again: not having the knowledge to feed or bathe yourself, let alone get to town! But I’m learning, and learning as fast as I can. It is amazing what just one week can do :)

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