So I had to revamp my diet after my trip to JFK because I was tired of being sick all the time! Unfortunately that meant that for the most part I’ve had to cut out eating African soups and meat and fish from street vendors. With the new consumption plan I’ve been feeling great! My intestinal distress has been minimized and I think my general health is better. Below you’ll find the intimate details of what my diet consists of...there’s not all of this variety in one week and for the most part I eat the same things all the time!
Things that are white: 4-6 servings per day
rice, popcorn, roasted cassava, eggs, raw oats, bread, pasta, powdered milk, potatoes, pancakes
Fruit: 2-3 servings per day
bananas, plantains, oranges, grapefruit, raisins, pineapple
Peanut: 1-2 servings per day
peanut butter, peanut candy, peanuts (salted or non)
Things that come from a can: expensive so not often!
tomato paste (made into sp. sauce), tuna, baked beans, chick peas (made into hummus)
Misc. processed food treats: sparingly – no real nutritional value
off-brand cereal, cookies and chocolate treats made in Turkey
There have inevitably been a few random ‘American splurges’ such as Poptarts and Pringles but these goodies tend to be over-priced and usually have some odd ‘I’ve been shipped long distances’ taste to them. I’ve also discovered this tasty Lebanese baked good that has a date-filling (I think! Haha) that they sell at the fancy Americana super market. Since ovens are scarce, baked goods are hard to come by and I get really excited when I stumble on something that’s not deep-fried!
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