Saturday, December 22, 2007

market days

Had a new experience today, Nelly and I got up at 6am to head to the market at Red Light! I have seen a lot in this world but nothing quite compares to the hustle and bustle of this outdoor market – there were more sandals and greens for sale per square foot than I’ve ever seen before! And so many people everywhere, Nelly was concerned about me taking my purse but I had a lot of cash so carrying it in-hand seemed unpractical. She told me the night before that I needed to be very careful because the men with the ‘medicine’ could steal my money. Oh how I love superstitions about ‘witching’!

The variety was endless: a goat walked by, a woman swung a hatchet high in the air to chop some spare ribs apart, entire bushels of bananas were being sold, donuts were everywhere, some men were ready to paint fingernails while others sharpened knives, women hurried to set up their goods, and prices were high with the holiday so near. On Saturdays many marketeers come from the interior to sell and with that usually comes a greater variety and more competitive prices. Nelly and I were on a mission: buy plenty, plenty fruit and things to eat over the holidays, as well as spend some Christmas money. After initial disappointment over the high price on oranges, we decided it was better to start with the lapas. A lapa is a long piece of wildly patterned fabric that women buy to have made into traditional outfits by a tailor. But in our case, we are keeping it country and intended to simply wrap them around and wear them as skirts. We checked out some prices at different spots and were convinced by a woman that she would make us the best deal. Picking out the fabric was the more time consuming part! I decided that for Christmas I would buy two lapas for Nelly, Antoinette and myself. After much debate, discussion of my ‘brightness’ and mind-changing we both picked out beautiful patterns and found two that seem well suited for Antoinette. Next we headed to check out all the stalls looking for a ‘’flask’’ or as I thought Nelly was saying for the past weeks, a flash. Basically, it’s a big thermos for keeping tea warm for a couple days so that you don’t have to re-start the coal fire any time you want a cup. We found a brilliant looking blue one and settled for it even though the seller was unwilling to negotiate the price down at all. Finally, we had to face our enemy – the fruit marketeers. Nelly wasn’t sure if it was my presence (aka white face) or the holiday season but prices were very steep and it took us quite some time to find ones we were willing to pay. I was pleased with the purchases as we headed to find a cab, many sweet potatoes, plantains, oranges, a few bananas, and 3 little pineapples! I get very excited about fresh pineapple and to find small ones is ideal so that we’re not forced to eat a whole pineapple real quick in one day before it spoils. It was an interesting and good time, too bad it’s so hectic or I’d take my camera along next time...I’m not gonna risk getting ‘witched’ though!

...Nelly and I went on a walk for a quick errand to the Junction and she insisted that I wear my new lapa. I explained that I wasn’t sure the neighbourhood was ready for it, i mean really they just stopped staring at me! But I put it on and off we went. Sure enough, probably a dozen different people commented during our 30-minute round trip walk, most said simply ‘you tied the lapa today’. Haha It was a riot! They all said it in a complimentary way though so the good news is I haven’t offended at least!

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